Creamy Chicken and Wild Rice Soup

Creamy Chicken and Wild Rice Soup

Hot Soups and Cold Winters Nights; this is just what you need!

Creamy Chicken and Wild Rice Soup

3 cups of cooked, seasoned chicken breast (well seasoned)

½ cup chopped onion

2 stalks of chopped celery 

1 medium carrot, shredded or chopped
½ stick of butter

2 tsp garlic

32oz chicken broth

¾ cup wild rice

¼ tsp of salt and pepper

⅓ cup heavy cream

½ cup milk

In a large saucepan, saute the onion, carrot and celery in butter until tender. Then add the garlic, let simmer 2-3 minutes. Gradually add broth. Stir in the rice, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil over medium heat; covered, cook and stir for 15 minutes or until thickened. Add chicken. Stir in milk and heavy cream; cook and simmer 20 minutes to let all the flavors get through the soup. Trust me, it was even better after the simmer time. Enjoy!