Webb Weekly 7-3-19

America. One nation under GOD. Home of the free
because of the brave. 4th of July is a great day for our country and I
salute the people whose sacrifices have made it possible. I personally
can’t thank you enough for your service. It is a privilege to live in
the USA. If the flag offends you, well then, see ya later. No one is
keeping you here. If you can’t stand for OUR flag or see a person
wearing a USA shirt and make a rude comment, then PEACE OUT! I love my
country. The red, white, and blue. Why do we have to be like this?

If we all could be a little more kind to each other, a little more giving, the world would be an even better place.

Take this for instance. Last week I ran into the Dollar Tree on the
Golden Strip to grab a few things. A lady was standing behind me with
her hands full. I told her to put her things down in front of me because
I had a basket. As the cashier was checking me out, we were just making
conversation and I was just using my manners. The lady behind me says
“Oh my gosh, you are just the sweetest person!”

I said to her “Thank you so much! It doesn’t cost anything to be kind!”

As I walked out to the car, I told my husband about her because she
completely made my night. We were pulling out of the parking lot and she
waves for my husband to put his window down and comes over and says
“You just have the most sweetest wife” and continued to talk to him
about me until a truck pulled up behind us and we had to leave. I wish I
got this woman’s name because you couldn’t find a more sweeter soul. We
both did nothing out of the ordinary. Kindness. That’s all it takes.
Hold the door for someone, buy someone a coffee standing in line behind
you, wish someone a good day. That’s all it takes. Even just a smile!!
We live in an amazing country, where we live free, have fresh running
water and can go about our everyday lives without living in fear. Folks,
we are blessed!

And to the woman at the Dollar Tree if you read this, keep that
spirit alive girlfriend! I hope to run into you again somewhere and find
out your name! It’s people like you who make this world a better place.

God Bless the USA!

Patriotic Sugar Cookies


• 1 cup sugar
• 1 cup softened butter
• 1/2 cup milk
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 1 teaspoon almond extract
• 1 egg
• 3-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
• 1 teaspoon baking powder
• 1/4 teaspoon salt

Red and Blue Coloring


Mix sugar, butter, milk, vanilla and almond extract, and egg. Stir in
flour, baking powder and salt. Mix until well incorporated. Divide
dough in three equal parts. Leave one part uncolored for the white
dough; color one part of dough with red coloring; color another part of
dough with blue coloring. Form all three dough parts into rounds. Then
flatten into disks. and cover and refrigerate for at least one hour. or
place the rounds in the freezer for about 20 minutes. Take dough and
combine the three colors to make a cookie, about tablespoon size or a
little larger. Place cookie dough balls on baking sheet and flatten
slightly with the bottom of a drinking glass. Bake in 350 degree oven
for 8 to 10 minutes. Cool on wire rack for about 5 minutes.

Notes: I loaded my colors into a cookie scoop, but you could just
press the colors together to make them. If you do use a cookie scoop,
make sure you clean the scoop out, with a paper towel, after you form
each cookie so that the colors won’t transfer.

This recipe is from an Old Betty Crocker Cookbook, but I love the recipe!!